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“Services In Live”

Globalization has been long as the trend of commercial world. It even evolves to now emphasise the speed of response, seamless communication, quick decision making and fast strategic change to maximize its competitiveness in the market.


Traditional business relies more on interfacing with internal and external customers with presence of people. However, this is far from being efficient and cost effective. This strives to InterFace Technology to dedicate ourselves to develop solutions with qualified products for enhancing the interaction level of clients with their direct customers, global partners and internal teams without the boundaries of geographical locations.

InterFace Technology and our team are always in pursuit of providing industry specific solutions through integration of Hi-Tech devices and i-commerce concept to support our clients to achieve “Services In Live”.

Working Coffee
Social network concept
Data on a Touch Pad

Sourcing for smart equipment to improve efficiency at workplace

Integrating different devices to assist different parties with office solutions

Being considerate, professional, add-value and also connected intimately with people when serve

Maximizing gains to stakeholders, while being mindful of our overall responsibilities

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